新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼或不参加科隆游戏展 PS4 Neo将在独立发布会..

索尼或不参加科隆游戏展 PS4 Neo将在独立发布会..

SONY or not to participate in cologne game show PS4 Neo will be independent conference..

2016-06-21 16:52:06来源: 4399

E3刚刚结束,等了大半年的粉丝们没有等来PS4 Neo的明确消息,但放眼整个下半年,机会还多的是,比如八月份的德国科隆游戏展。但最近却有了这么个新消息,索尼暂时没有决定是否参加科隆游戏展。 科隆可能是不去了,但SIE的全球销售与营销负责人Jim Ryan在采访中透露,索尼还是会到欧洲举...

E3 had just ended, such as the fans did not rectified to PS4 Neo clear message, but in the second half of the whole, more opportunities, such as in cologne, Germany game show. But with such a new news recently, SONY had not decided whether to participate in cologne game show. May be not go to cologne, but SIE global sales and marketing director Jim Ryan said in the interview, SONY will move to Europe...

标签: 游戏 PS 索尼 PS4