新关注 > 信息聚合 > 当“电竞贾玲”陈一发遇见真·贾玲,画面原来是..


When "e-sports Jia Ling Chen Yifa met really Jia Ling, picture turned out to be..

2016-06-21 16:52:06来源: 178游戏网

说到斗鱼主播陈一发的长相,相信很多人第一反应就是想到她那响亮的外号“电竞贾玲”。那么要是“电竞贾玲”碰见真贾玲,会产生怎样的化学反应呢? 最近,发姐就在某节目“主播直面明星”的活动中见到了正在后台休息的真·贾玲,不比不知道,一比吓一跳,二人实在是太像啦! 在直播的过程中,贾玲像个好奇...

Said to anchor Chen Yifa selectively looks like, I believe many people first reaction is to think of her a resounding nickname "e-sports Jia Ling". So if the e-sports Jia Ling met really Jia Ling, will produce what kind of chemical reaction? Recently, the elder sister in a programme "the host face to face with star" activities to meet the rest is the background of true Jia Ling, than I don't know, a startled, two people was like! In the process of live, Jia Ling like a curious...

标签: 电竞