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龙武2首部资料片内测 五大内容全开放

Long Wu 2 the first expansion closed five content completely open

2016-06-17 11:51:45来源: 新浪

导语:今日14时,《龙武2》首部资料片“大圣归来”震撼内测!三组服务器同步开放,西游战场、竞速副本、子女系统、社交婚恋等全新内容震撼上线。另外,新版十大活动盛大启动,进入新服领取30Q币、在线可摇10000元红包,回归送1250元宝石等特权豪礼回馈新老玩家,乐享内测盛筵! 开服时间:...

Guide language: 14 today, "Long Wu 2" first the expansion "the risk return" private!! Three groups of servers synchronized open, westward journey battlefield, a copy of the racing, children system, social dating new content such as shock. Ten grand launch of the event, in addition, the new into the new clothes get 30 qq COINS, online can shake 10000 yuan red envelopes, return to send 1250 yuan privilege hao gift giving back to the old and new players such as gems, enjoy private party! Time: suit...