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父爱如山 《成吉思汗3》登陆撒礼感恩父亲节

The father loves the mountain "genghis khan 3" landing and grateful father's day

2016-06-17 12:49:47来源: 天极网

父爱如山。每个人的父亲都会将所有的感情都默默地隐藏在他那伟岸的脊背上,随着岁月流逝而积淀;父爱似水。每个人的父亲也会将所有的爱都化做流水,从我们心头流过,伴随我们跋涉人生旅程。端午节线上活动刚刚结束,《成吉思汗3》父亲节登陆送礼活动火速来袭,玩家快来登陆游戏领礼包吧! 【充值送神兽 ...

The father loves the mountain. Every father is to all feelings hidden silently on the backs of his invasion, as the years went by and the accumulation; A father is like. Everyone's father will also all love desertification, water flows from our heart, we walk the journey of life with. Just finished the Dragon Boat Festival online activities, "genghis khan 3" father's day gifts event urgent to landing, players will quickly log in the game brought the gift bag! 【 send top-up god beast...