新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超级英雄团战MOBA网游《第十域》今日不删档开启


Super battle YingXiongTuan MOBA games "tenth domain" does not delete files open today

2016-06-17 11:51:45来源: 新浪

是时候,玩点全新的MOBA游戏了! 超级英雄团战MOBA网游《第十域:英雄起源》(简称“D10”)今日启动不删档测试。超过33名个性时尚的超级英雄同场竞技,联盟系统、全新地图、新坐骑同步上线,引领全民语音开黑的MOBA社交时代! 5大战场模式、4季变换美景地图、3技能出门、2大新...

Is time, some new MOBA games! Super battle YingXiongTuan MOBA games the origin of the 10th domain: hero (hereinafter referred to as "D10") start today don't delete file test. More than 33 personality fashion superhero compete, alliance system, new maps, new mount synchronous online, leading the national voice of black MOBA social era! Five major battlefield mode, the four seasons transform beauty map, 3 skills to go out, 2 dah sing...

标签: 网游