新关注 > 信息聚合 > 益智手游《物理学弹珠》6月底登场 双色操控体验..

益智手游《物理学弹珠》6月底登场 双色操控体验..

Puzzle mobile game "physics marbles" at the end of June Double color control..

2016-05-25 17:50:55来源: 任玩堂

前段时间任玩堂曾报道过,制作《猎人》系列、《战锤 40K:死亡守望-泰伦入侵》的游戏开发商 Rodeo Games 其创始人 Ben Murch 正与 Pete Akehurst 组建新团队开发手机游戏,而该游戏便是 Perchang《物理学弹珠》。该作如同名字所示,是一款益智游戏,但官...

Recently reported play hall, making "hunters" series, "war hammer 40 k: death watch - tryon invasion of game developers Rodeo Games founder of Ben Murch with Pete Akehurst to form a new team to develop mobile Games, and the game will be Perchang physics marbles. Name, as shown in the as is a puzzle game, but the officer...

标签: 手游