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《魔兽世界》7.0加入电影幻化装备 上线即可获得

World of warcraft 7.0 to join online fantasy film equipment can obtain

2016-05-11 12:06:57来源: 07073游戏网

之前有国外网站曝光了到影院看《魔兽世界》电影的奖励,包括一个月的免费游戏时间和以电影中主角武器为原型的幻化装备。免费游戏时间倒是没什么,但幻化装备可是让一众玩家们眼馋了好久。近日有好消息传来,电影幻化装备已加入到了《魔兽世界》7.0测试服中,上线即可获得! 《魔兽世界》电影的幻化装备...

Before have foreign websites, it exposes to the cinema to see the world of warcraft film awards, including a month of free game time and as the prototype of unreal with the protagonist in the movie weapon equipment. Free game time is nothing, but unreal equipment but let the players snaked through for a long time. Recently have good news, the film form equipment has been added to the world of warcraft 7.0 test server, online can get! World of warcraft movie equipment unreal...

标签: 魔兽世界 电影