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PK劲爽加倍 《全民热血》开测首日人气火爆

PK jin shuang "blood" double open test on sentiment

2016-04-29 15:25:18来源: 游久网

4月28日上午十点,《全民热血》内侧全面开启,多重好礼大狂欢活动,多样化的即时PK系统,手足同心的兄弟情义吸引着大批玩家不断涌入,人气不断飙升,开测仅一天服务器就呈现飘红状态!如果你想感受到最爽的PK,那就快和你兄弟们,一起来《全民热血》战个痛快吧! 《全民热血》从首爆至今,一直秉承...

On April 28, at ten o 'clock in the morning, the inside of the "blood", open, multiple gifts big carnival activities, a variety of instant PK system, hand, foot and concentric's attracted a large number of players in, soaring popularity, just one day open test server will show red state! If you want to feel the best PK, it is fast and your brothers, to the national blood wars have a ball! "Blood" since the first explosion, has been adhering to the...