新关注 > 信息聚合 > 画面人物美炸 索尼《真空管娃娃》安卓版上架

画面人物美炸 索尼《真空管娃娃》安卓版上架

Screen characters beautiful Fried SONY "vacuum tube baby" android version

2016-04-29 15:59:30来源: 17173

SME(索尼音乐娱乐)公司宣布,旗下的RPG新作《真空管娃娃》今日登录安卓平台。 什么是《真空管娃娃》? 《真空管娃娃》是以新锐的“科学家兼艺术家”JohnHathway的艺术作品为原型制作的RPG游戏新作。 游戏以发展反重力科学的立体都市“魔法镇”为舞台。在这里科学的象征就是...

SME (SONY music entertainment) announced that its new book "the vacuum tube baby" RPG today login android platform. What is the vacuum tube baby? The vacuum tube baby is a new "scientist and artist" JohnHathway works of art for prototyping RPG game. Games to develop scientific antigravity three-dimensional urban "magic town" for the stage. Here is the symbol of science...

标签: 安卓 索尼