新关注 > 信息聚合 > 罗技联手阿里三大部门 发布罗技G900,打造电竞生..

罗技联手阿里三大部门 发布罗技G900,打造电竞生..

Logitech teamed up with ali three department released logitech G900, build e-sports born..

2016-04-28 09:42:34来源: 新浪


Yesterday, hangzhou xixi ali park of cross-border cooperation held a special conference. From Switzerland, seiko PC peripherals manufacturers logitech, and ali corp. 's "Tmall electric city", "ali sports" and "ali fish", jointly issued logitech G900 Tmall custom products, and the future cooperation intention. The logitech and ali group's three biggest department the establishment of cooperative relations, logitech and Tmall play integration in product experience and...

标签: 电竞