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将增两大内置活动! 《泰坦时代》4.29新服

Will add two built-in activities! The Titan times 4.29 new suit

2016-04-28 07:07:32来源: 17173

大型西方魔幻网游《泰坦时代》将于4月29日隆重开服,“世界之树”即将嗜血演绎永垂不朽的上古传奇!此次新服将推出诸多全新内容,而其中最惹人惊呼的就是“潜逃的利维坦”和“玛法必须死”两大内置活动的上线!全地图自由无限制PK,拟真城邦攻城战,4S战斗变形体验,给玩家带来前所未有的视觉冲击感! ...

Big western fantasy games Titan times on April 29 years to restart, "the tree of the world" the bloodthirsty deduce immortal ancient legend! The new service will launch a lot of new content, and one of the most provoking alarm is "lam leviathan" and "marfa must die" two built-in activities online! All map free unlimited PK, siege simulated city-states, deformation of 4 s combat experience, to bring an unprecedented sense of vision impact player! ...