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剑网3壮志凌云今日公测 跟宠&轻功2.0开放

Sword net 3 top gun with pet & light achievement 2.0 open beta today

2016-04-28 09:20:11来源: 17173

《剑网3》壮志凌云今日公测,轻功2.0时代来袭。团队秘境额外掉落,战阶加速,PVP橙戒开放,还有洛阳史诗剧情敬待探索。同时全门派跟宠补完,全新奇遇开放,38只跟宠线索今日全揭秘,还有全新的登顶招式和水面/水下轻功曝光。 开放时间:4月28日12:00 推荐新服: 电信八区 暗...

"Sword net 3" top gun today open beta, incoming light achievement 2.0 era. Team extra land drops, war order acceleration, PVP orange ring opening, and luoyang epic drama to explore. All factions to spoil to fill out at the same time, open new adventure, 38 with pet clues uncovered today, there are new forms and the water/underwater light achievement exposure. Opening hours: 12:00 on April 28, recommend a new clothing: telecom eight area dark...