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《蔚蓝战争》手游首测今日开启 游戏战斗画面大曝光

"Blue war" mobile game was first opened today Game combat screen large exposure

2016-04-28 11:28:15来源: 4399

腾讯首款二次元品类手游《蔚蓝战争》今日正式开启首测,游戏改编自知名漫画家白猫的同名漫画,在游戏中玩家作为指挥官,需要引领各式各样的二次元机娘抵抗由违背人类意愿的机器人组成的“碧空”组织,开始一场场的战斗,实现人类的“蔚蓝计划”。 游戏将于今日11点正式开始测试,在这之前随4399子渊来...

Tencent's first two dimensional category mobile game "blue war today officially open the first test, the game is adapted from the well-known cartoonist white cartoon of the same name, players in the game as a commander, need to lead a wide variety of secondary yuan machine niang resistance of against human will robots" blue sky "organization, began to continue fighting, realize the" blue plan "of human beings. The official start of the game will be 11 o 'clock on today test, before that as the deep to 4399...

标签: 手游 游戏