新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂明年3月份发售NX主机


Nintendo sold in March next year NX host

2016-04-28 08:43:42来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】任天堂今天公布了公司年度财务业绩报告,这份报告当中首次提到了下一代主机NX平台的发售日期,将会在明年三月份全球开卖。 不过报告中并没有透露细节和价格等信息。该平台的更多细节,预计任天堂将在今年6月份E3大展期间向大家公布。之前已经有媒体公开了搭载不规则屏幕的NX手...

【 】 TechWeb reported nintendo company annual financial performance report released today, for the first time of the report mentioned the release date of the next generation of host NX platform, will be global on sale in March next year. But the report did not disclose details and price information. More details of this platform, the nintendo is estimated to be released to you during the E3 in June this year. Before it has been a media with irregular NX hand of the screen...

标签: 任天堂