新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《征途》系列人气新区5月4日再次开启


"Journey" series of popular New District opened again in May 4th

2016-04-28 06:38:12来源: 新浪

人挤不动?怪打不着?玩游戏还是看人?如此人气火爆的游戏是宣传出来的还是却有其事? 《征途》与《征途2》3月18日开放的史上第一人气服向你证明一切,人多、激情、好玩,人气服新手村堪比春运。 如此激情怎么能只有一次呢?为了让大家再次感受人气服的超人气魔力,5月4日,《征途》与《征途2》将...

People can not squeeze it? Can't blame? Play games or watch people? Is the popularity of such a hot game propaganda or something? "Journey" and "Journey 2" opened in March 18th, the history of the first popular clothing to prove everything to you, many people, passion, fun, popular clothes, novice village comparable to the spring festival. How can such a passion be only once? In order to let you feel again the popularity of popular clothing magic, May 4th, "journey" and "Journey 2" will be...