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《灵魂战神》玩法再革新 全新游戏体验

"The soul of" play to innovate new gaming experience

2016-04-28 04:20:16来源: 新浪

导语:由韩国知名游戏开发商YD online历时多年研发的《灵魂战神》创新性的将RTS与ARPG极致融合,创造出独一无二的的双模式玩法,既有ARPG的打击快感,也有RTS策略体验,其中独特的灵魂士兵系统让RTS体验更加淋漓尽致。本次不删档测试还将添加和灵魂士兵有关的更多功能。 《灵魂战...

Guide language: by South Korea famous game developers YD online a multi-year research and development of "the spirit of" innovative ways to incorporate the RTS and ARPG acme, create a unique dual mode play, both ARPG against pleasure, also have the RTS strategy experience, including unique soul soldier system makes the RTS experience more incisively and vividly. This does not delete files test will also add and soul more soldiers. The soul wars...

标签: 游戏