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名声优声演《敢达前线指挥官》 战斗更带感

Fame, voice, performance, "dare to the front commander" battle even more sense

2016-04-14 12:10:57来源: 电玩巴士

喜欢玩游戏的玩家都知道,玩游戏看的不光是画面,还有音效。游戏没了音效就像看动漫只有字幕一样。不是不行,就是别扭。那么问一句,各位玩家会对《敢达前线指挥官》的音效会有什么样的期待呢?当然是动漫原声! 众所周知,敢达的原声配音一直都是很多敢达迷们津津乐道的对象,从第一部《机动战士敢达》开...

Players who like to play games know that playing games is not only a screen, but also a sound effect. The game has no sound effects, just like anime, just subtitles. No, no, that's awkward. Then ask you to "dare to reach the front game player commander" sound will have what to expect? Of course is the anime soundtrack! As everyone knows, dare to acoustic voice has always been a lot of fans relish the object to, from the first "Mobile Suit Gundam"...