新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《项羽》千人同屏战场 横刀立马气吞山河

《项羽》千人同屏战场 横刀立马气吞山河

"Xiang" battlefield one thousand people with screen [was very

2016-04-13 15:03:39来源: 多玩游戏

万众瞩目的自研3D大型国战类网游《项羽》已经进入公测的新一轮高潮,新服“四面楚歌”如火如荼!伴随着海量的更新和游戏内系统的调整,现在《项羽》已经改头换面脱胎换骨,准备再一次席卷国战网游的舞台!喜爱国战游戏的你还在等什么?快来《项羽》里战个痛快吧! 《项羽》是国内第一款自研的真正千人同...

Since the much-anticipated research 3 d large frequents online "xiang" has entered the public beta of a new round of high tide, new clothing "under siege" in full swing! With vast amounts of update and system adjustment in the game, "xiang" has now changed thoroughly remould oneself, ready to once again swept frequents online stage! Love frequents the game what are you waiting for? Come and "xiang" in war have a ball! "Xiang" is domestic first paragraph from the research of one thousand people with real...