新关注 > 信息聚合 > NES光枪与格洛克手枪合体 货真价实可发射实弹!

NES光枪与格洛克手枪合体 货真价实可发射实弹!

NES light gun with glock Real can launch live!

2016-04-12 10:36:49来源: 新浪

在美国枪械在部分州是一种可以流通的商品,而自然也不乏那么多枪械收藏爱好者们去收集这些东西了。不过你如果想要一把有些和标配武器与众不同的收集,那么不妨来试试看这把能打出子弹的NES光枪…… 当初任天堂推出《打鸭子》游戏时,推出了这个配套的光枪。不过一家来自美国德克萨斯州名为精准集团有限...

Gun in some states in the United States is a kind of can the circulation of commodities, and there are so many natural gun collection enthusiasts to collect these things. But if you want to a some distinctive collection and standard weapons, so might as well try this NES light can hit bullet gun... When nintendo launched "duck" game, introduced the light gun. But from the U.S. state of Texas, called precision group co., LTD....