新关注 > 信息聚合 > 地铁跑酷利用bug刷高分技巧攻略


The subway parkour brush high skills strategy using the bug

2016-04-12 11:14:45来源: 4399

地铁跑酷一直非常受玩家们喜爱,虽然游戏操作简单,上手容易,但是要在游戏内拿高分还是很有难度的,可能游戏内也会遇到一些bug,玩家们也会利用这些bug拿高分刷任务,这不就有些厉害的小伙伴们分享了不少技巧呢! 1、游戏开始后撞火车撞死,死后点火焰加速器,控制好时间,你会发现你的火焰加速器数...

Subway parkour has been very popular with players, although the game is simple, the easier, but want to score high in the game was difficult, might encounter some bugs in the game, players can also use these brush task to score high bug, it's not just some bad friends to share a lot of skills! 1,, bump dead after the start of the game, after the death of fire accelerator, good control of time, you will find your fire accelerator number...