新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩游戏能挣钱《武极天下》公测爆奖 打BOSS送现金

玩游戏能挣钱《武极天下》公测爆奖 打BOSS送现金

Playing games can make money "wu extremely the world public beta award The BOSS to send cash

2016-03-30 11:03:20来源: 一游网


Budo, means all the world! By YouXi.com to launch in the history of the most explosive novel online the PC edition of the wu extremely the world on March 31, 11 open beta. Thanks for the majority of players of the support and love of the game, the official will open new welfare model in the public beta fall "RMB" - a strange drop cash award. As long as involved in the daily "found", call the best BOSS in the game and beat it...

标签: 游戏