新关注 > 信息聚合 > Taring战队宣布因内部问题暂退出所有比赛


Taring team announced that due to the internal problems temporarily withdraw from all competitions

2016-02-18 11:15:13来源: 超级玩家

Taring战队士马来西亚的国家队,宣布因为队伍存在内部矛盾,不能发挥全部的实力,他们将退出所有已参加的赛事,直到问题解决。 “Taring战队会休整一段时间,暂时不会打比赛”队长343发推特说。 Taring战队组建之初叫SauDua Tiga战队,这支马来西亚战队的成立令人瞩目,...

Taring team of the national team in Malaysia, announced that because of the internal contradictions of the team, can not play all the strength, they will withdraw from all the participating events until the problem is resolved. "The Taring team will rest for a period of time, will not play the game" 343 captain tweeted. Taring team formed by the beginning of the Tiga SauDua team, the establishment of the Malaysia team is remarkable,...