新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪CEO回顾25年历程:专注精品之路是成功之本


Blizzard CEO back 25 years: focus on the road of high-quality goods is the parent of success

2016-02-18 11:31:36来源: 游久网

【游久网2月18日消息】不知不觉在农历新年期间暴雪度过了它25岁的生日,在这里把venturebeat的2万字历史长文翻过来权当贺礼了。人生还有几多25年呢,且行且珍惜。 今天暴雪娱乐庆祝其成立25周年,这是一个具有里程碑意义的日子,因为在这样一个极度适者生存的行业很少有视频游戏公司...

February 18, long swim net news 】 【 unconsciously during the lunar New Year, blizzard spent 25 years old birthday, it flipped the venturebeat's 20000 words long history here as wedding gifts. Life and how much for 25 years, and line and cherish it. Blizzard entertainment today to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding, this is a landmark day, because in such a highly survival of the fittest industry there are very few video game company...

标签: 暴雪