新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上古世纪2月19日例行维护暨游戏更新公告


The ancient centuries on February 19, routine maintenance and game update announcement

2016-02-17 20:24:00来源: 游久网

亲爱的古灰: 感谢您对《上古世纪》的热情参与和大力支持!为了向玩家提供更好的游戏体验,2月19日 6:00-10:00将进行停机维护,届时所有玩家将暂时不能登录游戏;维护的同时也将有大量游戏内容更新,具体更新如下: 玩法优化 1、击杀游戏内所有副本Boss都可以获得一个金币箱...

Dear old grey: thank you for your interest in the ancient centuries the enthusiasm of the participation and support! In order to provide a better game experience, on 19 February 6-10:00 will be down for maintenance, all players will temporarily cannot log in the game; Maintenance will also have a lot of game content updates at the same time, the specific update is as follows: 1, kill the game play optimize all copies Boss can get a gold coin box...

标签: 游戏