新关注 > 信息聚合 > 又是PS4独占!《折纸世界》确认续作已经开发


PS4 exclusive! "Origami world" sequel has been developed to confirm

2016-02-17 21:33:00来源: 逗游网

Media Molecule工作室第一个PS4项目就已经带给人惊喜了——《折纸世界:展开(Tearaway Unfolded)》,作为一部PS4《折纸世界(Tearaway)》的重新制作版本,这款平台游戏去年在PSV上发布,从零开始地慢慢成为了PSV系统上最受欢迎的游戏之一。同时,《折纸...

Media Molecule studio first PS4 project has been a pleasant surprise to people -- "origami world: (Tearaway Unfolded)" PS4 ", as a world of origami (Tearaway)" to the production version, this platform game released last year in PSV, starting from zero to slowly become one of the most popular PSV system the game. At the same time, "origami...

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