新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第79期游吧日报:表情,诚实地告诉了我


79 swim journal: expression, honestly tell me

2016-02-17 18:11:51来源: 4399

在两天在微博上看到一位网友贴出自己在湾湾购买奶茶的趣事。说是该网友在点完奶茶后,收银员问他们是否来自大陆,网友紧张地回应“是”。结果那位小妹妹问“能不能加脸书传点表情给我?”......( ω )-з 若遇到语言不通的情况,又想联络感情,老少咸宜的游戏倒是一个不错的替代选择,比如这两...

Two days see a netizen posted on weibo own fun at bay bay to buy milk tea. The net friend in after the milk tea, the cashier ask whether they come from mainland China, netizens nervously respond "yes". Results the little sister asked "can you add some expressions for I face book?" ...... (omega) - з if in case of the language and want to contact feelings, and the game is a good alternative, such as the two...