新关注 > 信息聚合 > 比寒流还可怕 《岛屿生存》带来西伯利亚的冰雪冒险

比寒流还可怕 《岛屿生存》带来西伯利亚的冰雪冒险

Than cold is terrible "islands" Siberian snow and ice risk

2016-02-17 18:43:03来源: 任玩堂

此前寒潮爆发时那种刺骨的凉意仍然让人后怕,但是很多小伙伴并没有真正经历过冰天雪地里的危险,而在冒险游戏 Island Survival:Winter Story 《岛屿生存:冬季故事》里,玩家们则可以置身于西伯利亚的一个冰岛之中,在极其恶劣的条件下展开冰雪冒险之旅。 想要在荒岛中生存下...

After cold wave erupted the bone-chilling cold still lets a person dying, but a lot of friend didn't really experienced the danger of in the snow, and in the adventure Island Survival: Winter Story islands: Winter Story, players can be in a Siberian Iceland, under the condition of extreme snow and ice adventure. Want to survive in a desert island.