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先人一步 《甜心格格》手游二测内容爆料

Ahead the sweetheart to vanquish mobile game 2 measure disclosure content

2016-02-17 19:53:48来源: 不凡游戏网

丝丝暖人心,爆笑闯宫廷,《甜心格格》手游二测将于2月25号和玩家见面,对此期待已久的小伙伴们是不是已经按捺不住了呢。下面让我们来看看此次二测都将会有些什么新鲜的内容吧,更多一手资讯敬请关注《甜心格格》手游官网和官方微信。 二测游戏优化 更踏实游戏品质 《甜心格格》手游首测完美收官...

Filar silk to warm the heart of cross court, the sweetheart to vanquish mobile game 2 measure will meet players on February 25, the long-awaited you had to succumb to friends? Let's see what is the second test will be fresh content, more firsthand information please pay attention to the sweetheart to vanquish the mobile game's official website and official WeChat. Two game optimization More dependable quality level "sweetheart to vanquish" mobile game first test well packaged...

标签: 手游