新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游2016元宵节活动专题灵药化元宵


Fantasy Westward Journey 2016 Lantern Festival Special Events elixir of Lantern

2016-02-15 21:36:52来源: 17173

灵药化元宵 活动时间 2016年2月19日12:00至2月25日12:00期间全天 活动背景 正值元宵佳节,长安城内花灯高挂,一派热闹景象。然而本应该更加热闹喜庆的皇宫在这几天却显得有些冷清,似乎是唐王李世民身体抱恙。宫中所有人都一筹莫展,少侠愿意前去一探吗? 领取要求 角色...

Lantern elixir of activity time at 12:00 on February 19, 2016 to at 12:00 on February 25 during the all-day event background positive Lantern Festival, lanterns hanging Chang'an City, a bustling scene. However, this should be more lively festive palace these days it seems to have deserted, Tang Li Shimin of the body seems to be Baoyang. Palace everyone frustrated, Shaoxia willing to go to explore it? Requirements to receive the role ...

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