新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《神秘海域4》美术师称游戏画面达电影级水平


The mysterious sea 4 artists say film level of the graphics

2016-02-15 20:55:50来源: 逗游网

《神秘海域4(Uncharted 4)》首席人物美术师 Frank Tzengi认为,游戏中的模型保真度已经接近于电影CGI了。放眼不可思议的过去,《神秘海域4(Uncharted 4)》几乎是顽皮狗旗下最具视觉享受的游戏了。据 Tzengi所说,游戏图像只会变得更好,而且现在游戏中的N...

The mysterious sea four (4) Uncharted chief character artists Frank Tzengi believes that the game model fidelity is close to the film CGI. Look incredible in the past, "the mysterious four (4) Uncharted sea" is almost a naughty dog, the most visual enjoyment of the game. , according to Tzengi game image will only get better, and now the game's N...

标签: 游戏 电影