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天天象棋290关怎么过 三国演义赤壁之战动态图

Every day 290 chess to the Three Kingdoms Chibi dynamic map

2016-02-15 18:57:41来源: 4399

Remilia为大家带来新版天天象棋三国演义第290关赤壁之战动态图攻略。本关杀法提示:弃车,再马将军,然后中炮前后翻打杀。那么第290关要如何通关呢?来看看Remilia是怎么过的吧! 感谢天天象棋玩家交流群“小公仔”提供过关棋谱

Remilia to bring you a new day 290th Chibi Three Kingdoms chess dynamic map. The method that abandoned the vehicle, killing another horse general, and then in turn before and after killing gun. Then how about the 290th customs clearance? Come and see what Remilia is about! Thank you every day the exchange group "small chess game player Doll" to provide clearance records