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生死狙击手游散弹枪气锤怎么样? 气锤对比图

Life and death sniper YouSan play gun hammer? Pneumatic hammer contrast figure

2016-02-15 18:35:05来源: 4399

生死狙击手游气锤怎么样?请看气锤对比图。这是一把无托式自动散弹枪,独特转轮式弹匣,能在近距离爆发出连续的粉碎性伤害 气锤属性图 生死狙击为了帮助大伙能有效的阻止僵尸进攻,推出了一些爆发性武器,气锤就是其中之一! 气锤威力大,不过缺点也是有的,那就是远距离的话威力就不明显了。气锤作为...

Life and death sniper swim pneumatic hammer? Please look at the hammer contrast figure. This is a no type automatic shotguns, unique turned, and in close broke out in a continuous crushing injuries Pneumatic hammer attributes figure Sniper life and death in order to help everyone can effectively prevent the zombie attack, introduced some explosive weapons, pneumatic hammer is one of them! Pneumatic hammer very powerful, but weakness is some, is that if the remote power will not obvious. Pneumatic hammer as...

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