新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这画质你不玩?《黑色沙漠》海量高清游戏图


This picture quality you do not play? "Black desert" massive HD game chart

2016-02-15 18:27:14来源: 178游戏网

极具人气的韩国网游《黑色沙漠》有着超高的游戏画质,对于游戏内的捏脸系统,让人看了更是想要伸手去摸一下。玩家们更是称游戏内随便截图都能当做壁纸,让我们一起来看一看吧。 【点击图片可查看高清无码大图】

Extremely popular Korean online games "black desert" has a super high quality of the game, for the game in the pinch face system, people look at the need to reach out and touch. Players are also called the game can be seen as a wallpaper, let us look at it together. [Click to view the image can be viewed without the big picture.

标签: 游戏