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Deilor coach FNC interview: I have to try to build the best team

2016-02-15 17:09:06来源: 巴士LOL

Fnatic战队英雄联盟分部主教练Deilor Q:Fnatic战队并没有太好的开局,未能在过去四周内保持高水平的表现,你能说下主要原因和解决问题的方法吗? A:这是团队沟通方面的问题。我们有两个韩国人,他们早上正在上英语课,每周至少三次。他们的交流正在改善,Gamsu的英语不错...

Fnatic team hero League Division coach Q:Fnatic Deilor team did not have a good start, failed to maintain a high level of performance in the past four weeks, you can say the main reason and the solution to the problem? A: This is a question of team communication. We have two Koreans, who are having English classes in the morning and at least three times a week. Their communication is improving, and Gamsu's English is good...