新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新玩法!《乱斗奇兵》世界BOSS精彩内容抢先看


New game! "Scuffle" world BOSS contents first

2016-01-28 10:23:09来源: 4399

《乱斗奇兵》是一款次世代指尖电竞格斗概念手游,研发团队针对玩家的游戏习惯和喜好添加全新策略元素,拒绝单一无趣的卡牌手游模式,保持紧张快速的战斗节奏,加入战斗策略玩法,让你的英雄不再当花瓶,配合你天衣无缝的策略即可在战场上大展英姿,数值从此是路人! 在游戏中玩家将要面临各种困难和挑战,这...

"Scuffle" is a next generation fingertips e-sports mobile game combat concept, research and development team for the player's gaming habits and preferences to add a new policy elements, refused to single boring card player mode, keep nervous fast rhythm, to join the combat strategy game, your hero no longer when the vase, with your perfect strategy can do on the battlefield and numerical value from now on is a stranger! In the game players will face various difficulties and challenges, this is...