新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔术师薛之谦上线,眩目H5邀你畅玩《梦幻西游手..


Xue Qian magician on the line, dazzling H5 invite you to Play "Fantasy Westward Journey hand ..

2016-01-28 10:42:38来源: 游久网

【游久网1月28日消息】在梦幻西游2015上海嘉年华上,知名原创歌手薛之谦的意外亮相让无数玩家为之疯狂尖叫,而最近,薛之谦与《梦幻西游手游》再度联手,为你在H5中上演“薛氏魔术”,双端之间随心切换,不知道他的演出,是否能够征服你的芳心呢? 点击进入:游戏频道 | 官方网站 薛之谦视...

[Travel long network January 28th news] in Fantasy Westward Journey 2015 Shanghai carnival, famous original singer Jacky unexpected appearance of so many players crazy scream, recently, Jacky and "Fantasy Westward Journey hand travel" together again, for you staged "Xue magic" in H5, the heart to switch between two-terminal, I do not know his performances, whether it can conquer your heart? Click here: Games Channel | Official website XueZhiQian visual ...

标签: 梦幻西游 H5