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荷兰建成世界首家游戏主题酒店 软硬件皆全

The Dutch built the first game theme hotel software and hardware are all in the world

2016-01-24 14:11:24来源: 电玩巴士

近日全球首家以电玩为主题的酒店“Arcade Hotel”于荷兰阿姆斯特丹开业。 这家酒店和普通酒店功能上并无区别,但全客房全部配备了怀旧游戏主机免费租赁业务,所有入住客人都可以选择雅达利、红白机、超任、Gameboy、任天堂64、NGC、Xbox、PlayStation等硬件,并且...

Recently the world's first game as the theme Hotel "Arcade Hotel" opened in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. There is no difference between the hotel and ordinary hotel function, but all rooms all equipped with retro gaming hosting free rental business, all the guests can choose atari, nes, super nintendo Gameboy, nintendo, NGC, Xbox 64, PlayStation, such as hardware, and...

标签: 游戏