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吃我一记精灵球 《口袋召唤师:起源》正式发布

Eat me a wizard ball pocket call division: origin, the official release

2015-12-04 15:47:35来源: 4399

《口袋妖怪》系列ACG作品包括移植版手游及完全新作在内,一直都是玩家们心中不变的经典。或许也正是如此,各式各样与之类似的“口袋”系列手游也是层出不穷,比如前几天在iOS上架的像素风冒险+模拟经营RPG《口袋召唤师:起源》。 《口袋召唤师:起源》:iOS版下载 之前有玩过《口袋召唤师:...

"Pocket monsters" series ACG works including the transplant version of the hand travel and complete new work, has always been the heart of the players in the classic classic. Perhaps it is the case, a variety of similar "pocket" series of hand travel is endless, such as a few days ago in the iOS RPG shelves of pixel wind Adventure + simulation of the operation of the "pocket call division: origin". Pocket call division: origin: iOS version of the download has played before the pocket call:...