新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《梦三国手游》今日苹果商店正式上线 “梦联赛”..

《梦三国手游》今日苹果商店正式上线 “梦联赛”..

"Dream Three hand tour" today formally launched Apple Store "Dream League" ..

2015-12-04 15:33:23来源: 4399

全球前三MOBA网游正版手机版《梦三国手游》今日正式登陆苹果商店,迎来双端首发。同时,昆仑游戏今日宣布,将斥资1200万元总奖金举办“梦联赛”,“梦联赛”是一个双端互通全球同服的竞技平台,将于2015年底正式开赛。 “梦联赛”总奖金1200万 全球同服竞技 随着《梦三国手游》正式登...

MOBA games genuine global top three mobile phone version of "Dream of the Three hand tour" today officially landed the Apple Store, usher double-end starter. Meanwhile, Kunlun game today announced that it will spend 12 million yuan in prize money held "dream league", "Dream League" is a double-ended exchange with the service competitive global platform, will officially start the end of 2015. "Dream League" with total prize money of 12 million global service sports with the "dream three mobile games," the official board ...

标签: 手游 苹果