新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为继续开发地球OL 酷派天空签下《大海战4》

为继续开发地球OL 酷派天空签下《大海战4》

To continue to develop the earth OL cool sky sign "sea fight 4"

2015-11-26 11:00:09来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 11月26日消息,韩国游戏开发商SDEnterNET日前在其官网上公布一则消息,宣布旗下策略海战网游《Navy Field4 (大海战4)》与中国酷派天空(英文名:KupaiSky Network(Maanshan)Co。, Ltd)签订了中国大陆及港澳台地区的运营权。酷派天...

Sina game - November 26 news, South Korea game developers SDEnterNET announced on its website a message a few days ago, announced its strategy naval games the Navy Field4 (sea fight 4) with China cool sky (English name: KupaiSky Network (Maanshan) Co. , Ltd) signed in mainland China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions. Cool day...