新关注 > 信息聚合 > 剑灵:将推出师徒系统 气功师易上手难精通

剑灵:将推出师徒系统 气功师易上手难精通

The sword of the spirit: the launch of mentoring system Qigong masters approachable difficult to master

2015-11-15 14:31:54来源: 17173

11月15日,《剑灵》在TGC现场发布周年庆全新游戏版本,第九职业气功师曝光即将登陆国服。随后游戏策划总监安钟沃和美术总监郑泳彩接受了媒体采访,据他们介绍,气功师远近皆可,将承担DPS和辅助重任,甚至还能复活队友。 《剑灵》策划总监安钟沃和美术总监郑泳彩 气功师DPS、辅助两不误 甚...

11 April 15, the sword of the spirit "at the scene of the TGC released anniversary celebration of the new version of the game, the ninth career Qigong master exposure will visit the national costume. , director of the game planning and art director Zheng Yongcai accepted the media interview, according to their introduction, qigong division can be far and near, will bear the heavy responsibility of the task, and can even revive teammates. "The sword of the spirit" Planning Director Ann bell and art director Zheng Yongcai Waugh Qigong master DPS, auxiliary two. What...