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仙魔再掀风云 顺网游戏《心魔》铸就超神心魔

Magic fairy again lift wind and cloud Shun network game "demons" forge the godlike demons

2015-11-16 09:57:24来源: 一游网

顺网游戏《心魔》继承中国古典仙侠风,色彩感十足,人物设计和场景地图多样化,美轮美奂的场景配合古典优雅的古风背景音乐,带领玩家进入一个唯美的仙侠世界。 【《心魔》背景故事】 千年之前,神将轩辕黄帝率领天界众将与蚩尤所率魔族大军,于逐鹿展开仙魔大战。天界第一战将水神应龙为除最强魔神魑...

Shun network game "demons" inheritance classical Chinese immortal chivalrous sense of color full, character design and scene map diversification, the magnificent scene with classical elegance of the ancient background music and lead the players into a beautiful immortal chivalrous swordsman world. ["demons" background story thousands of years ago, God Huangdi led the heaven all the will and Chi rate Inferno army, to chase the deer started bikkuriman. The first water dragon in heaven will be the strongest as a devil...

标签: 游戏 网游