新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《风暴英雄》席卷校园 高校星联赛大区赛打响

《风暴英雄》席卷校园 高校星联赛大区赛打响

The hero of the storm swept the campus Star League regional tournament started

2015-11-14 01:38:13来源: 17173

网易暴雪联合举办的CSL高校星联赛又在2015年的秋天开始啦,一场充满青春与热情的电竞盛宴,已经在全国各地的校园中展开。 在10月,全国四大赛区三十多个城市进行了如火如荼的预选赛,随着各个城市的冠军产生,更加紧张激烈的大区赛正式拉开序幕。 CSL高校星联赛秋季赛大区决赛将于11月...

Netease Blizzard jointly organized the CSL the Star League and in the fall of 2015 to a full of youth and enthusiasm of gaming feast, has spread out across the campus. In October, four national division 30 cities were in full swing in the qualifiers, as a champion of each city, more tense intense regional tournament officially kicked off. CSL University star league tournament in the fall of the finals will be held in November...