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天天象棋闯关第86关动态图 楚汉争霸第86关怎么过

Every day, eighty-sixth dynamic map Chu chess through StarCraft eighty-sixth to

2015-11-10 16:21:14来源: 4399

Remilia为大家带来新版天天象棋楚汉争霸第86关动态图攻略,这关我方两个马一个车,将死对方还是比较轻松的。那么第86关要如何通关呢?来看看Remilia是怎么过的吧! ▍动态图过关演示 下棋步骤:车三进一,象5退7,马五进六,将5平6,马三进二。

Remilia to bring you a new day eighty-sixth chess Chu and Han hegemony dynamic graph Raiders, this our two horse a car, checkmate is still relatively easy. So the eighty-sixth customs clearance to how? To see what Remilia is! Man playing chess: dynamic map pass demonstration steps a three car, like 5 back 7, Ma Wujin six, 5 flat 6, three two ma.