新关注 > 信息聚合 > OMG伞皇微博宣布退役 后浪谁人将代表LPL赛区

OMG伞皇微博宣布退役 后浪谁人将代表LPL赛区

OMG umbrella Huang Weibo announced retirement wave who will represent the LPL division

2015-11-07 18:56:08来源: 巴士LOL

OMG前ADC选手,ID良小伞原名郭俊良,今天在自己的新浪微博平台上宣布,从此正式退役。 今天下午16时许,OMG伞皇在微博上发布了如下文章: 伞皇微博,短短25分钟就有了5w+的阅读量 文字版 对不起 今天我正式退役了。不知道怎么跟大家说。想了好久,一开始满脑子除了愧...

OMG ADC before players, ID good small umbrella, formerly known as Jun Liang Guo, announced Wednesday in his Sina micro blog platform, then officially retired. Today at 16 PM, OMG umbrella Huang in the micro Bo released the following article: umbrella Huang microblogging, just 25 minutes on the 5w+'s reading text version of the text I'm sorry today I officially retired. I don't know how to tell you. Think for a long time, in addition to start full of shame...