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暴雪嘉年华首日看点 多款游戏新版本内容曝出

Blizzard fans BlizzCon first day to watch a variety of games to the new version content exposed

2015-11-08 00:51:20来源: 17173

一年一度的暴雪粉丝们的狂欢盛宴总算开始啦!今年的暴雪嘉年华(BlizzCon)将于北京时间11月7日- 11月8日在美国洛杉矶安纳海姆会展中心举行。 暴雪嘉年华展会首日,多款暴雪旗下游戏的重大消息放出,同时,万众瞩目的《魔兽》电影预告片以及主创采访也随之公诸于世。那么就跟随编者的脚步...

the annual carnival of feast finally started! This year's BlizzCon (BlizzCon) will be in Beijing time on November 7 - November 8 in the United States Los Angeles Anaheim Convention and Exhibition Center held. BlizzCon show on the first day, a variety of Blizzard's game of major news release. At the same time, the highly anticipated world of Warcraft movie notice sheet and the creator of the interview also subsequently submitted to. Then follow the footsteps of the editor...