新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《植物大战僵尸:花园战争2》发布时间确定


"Plants vs. Zombies: War garden 2" release time determine the news on November 6 news

2015-11-06 23:30:44来源: IT之家

IT之家讯11月6日消息,宝开《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》游戏续作《植物大战僵尸:花园战争2》发布时间已确定,官方宣布新游戏将于2016年2月23日与玩家见面。 这款游戏最初在今年的E3游戏展上亮相,将登陆微软Xbox One以及Windows平台。 《花园战争2》延续了旧作的游戏机制...

IT, PopCap's Plants vs. Zombies: Garden war "sequel" Plants vs. Zombies: War garden 2 "released time has been determined, the official announced new game will be on February 23, 2016 with the players meet. The game first appeared in the E3 game show this year, will visit the Microsoft One Xbox and Windows platform. "2" the continuation of the war garden old game mechanism...