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Cast with sincerity, the first golden key award grand opening

2015-10-23 11:40:23来源: 4399

随着2015年即将进入尾声,各大奖项的评选逐渐进入人们的视线中。首届金钥奖年度评选也正式开启,我们希望用诚意铸就一把熠熠生辉的金钥匙,以褒奖这一年来行业具有诚意的产品和人物,也希望用这把寄托了我们对于行业未来愿景的钥匙开启更加美好的未来。 2015年是中国移动游戏行业继续野蛮生长的一年...

as 2015 is coming to an end, the selection of each big award gradually enters people's line of sight. The first gold key award of the year award was also officially opened, we hope with sincerity and forge a sparkling brilliance of the golden key, to praise in the industry with the sincerity of the people and products, also want to use the sustenance of the US for key industry vision for the future of open more beautiful future. 2015 is a year of the China Mobile game industry continues to grow wild...