新关注 > 信息聚合 > PIS透漏手部受伤 饭团疑似人员变动

PIS透漏手部受伤 饭团疑似人员变动

PIS revealed a hand injury suspected of personnel changes

2015-10-22 09:52:08来源: 游久网

PIS透漏手部受伤。.. 昨日,饭团战队官方微博发表消息,表示PIS骨折了,人员可能有变动。 随后,PIS在微博也宣布了自己手部受伤,三个月不能打DOTA。 祝愿P神早日康复。

PIS revealed a hand injury. Yesterday, the official news publication of micro-blog Rice and vegetable roll corps, said PIS fracture, personnel are subject to change. Subsequently, PIS in the micro Bo also announced his hand was injured, three months can not play DOTA. I wish P God a speedy recovery.