新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9月19日战长沙,诸位英雄你们准备好了吗


September 19, the battle of Changsha, your hero, you ready for this?

2015-09-15 20:32:27来源: 中关村在线

活动链接:http://event.cn.msi.com/lol/ 9月19日,"微星GAMING杯英雄联盟城市联赛"第五站--长沙站的比赛即将在湖南长沙的呆呆网咖展开。报名时间所剩无几,诸位长沙当地的《英雄联盟》爱好者们可要抓出最后的时间去报名参加,比赛前三名可是有着非常丰厚的奖励...

active link: http://event.cn.msi.com/lol/ on September 19, "MSI gaming cup hero alliance city league" the Fifth Station - Changsha station game is in Changsha, Hunan foolishly Internet cafes expansion. Registration time remaining, gentlemen, Changsha, the local league of legends enthusiasts can to catch the last time to sign up for, before the game three but very rich reward...